Telling Time to the Nearest 5 Minutes
Spring Sale
**PLEASE NOTE: This is a digital item. You will receive a downloadable PDF and will not receive a physical product. You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to print this file. Adobe Acrobat is available free online.**
Looking for a time telling resource featuring the natural progression of the hour hand across the hour? Our Telling Time to the Nearest 5 Minutes resource includes 164 print and go pages covering the following:
- parts of the analog clock
- reading the hour hand - movement of the hour hand across the hour
- reading the minute hand - movement of the minute hand in 5 minute increments
- the time in words (five after, quarter after, etc)
- matching the time on analog and digital clocks
This resource includes both traceable and write in options that allow you to adapt to a variety of learners.
Print the whole workbook, or select the pages that work best for your learners.
The best part is the minimal prep involved and the entire resource is in cost-effective black and white print.