Nomenclature booklets offer a fun way for children to consolidate their knowledge following work with 3-part nomenclature cards or other materials.
Making a booklet is relatively easy. Many Little Spark Company resources include printable booklet templates to help your little one extend their learning. You can grab the FREE Shapes Booklet at the bottom of this page.
Follow along as we show you how to turn the printable Shapes Booklet template into a booklet your child will be proud to share.

Our booklet files are all set to portrait orientation and should be printed double-sided. Most of our booklets come with multiple label options. Choose the option that best meets your child’s needs and print those pages.
Be sure to select “Flip on long edge” in your printer settings.

Each page contains 4 booklet pages, arranged in groups of two.
Cut along the horizontal dotted line to separate the page into two double-page spreads.
DO NOT cut along the vertical folding line.
You will end up with a number of double page spreads which will be arranged in order to create the booklet layout.

Follow the instructions included in the booklet template file to lay your pages out in the correct order. Begin by placing the cover page face down and layering each double-page spread on top.
Here you can see my friend from @montessoriinspiredco assembling his booklet pages for binding.

There are several different ways to bind your booklet. You can choose to:
staple along the inner seam
punch holes along the seam edge of the booklet (when folded into the closed position) and secure with yarn or string.
secure with paper clip or binder clip in the top left corner of the booklet (for this method we recommend separating each individual page)
My favourite booklet binding method is sewing!
If you have a sewing machine handy, you can run a seam up the center vertical line of your assembled booklet.
Placing paperclip to hold your pages together will prevent slippage as you feed your booklet through the machine.
You can even get little ones with sewing machine experience involved in this practical life activity.

Now that your Shapes Booklet has been assembled, your little one can put their knowledge to work!
A few ways this booklet can be completed include:
tracing the dotted outlines of each shape
colouring in each shape
tracing the labels (traceable font option included)
geometry extension as pictured below
(photos courtesy @montessoriinspiredco)
Ready to download your free copy of our Shapes Booklet? You'll find it in our Printables Library, which is free for email subscribers!
Looking for more booklets? Here are a few listings from the shop that include booklets. Click on any image to visit the listing directly.